2012 Len Stokes Checker Party
 Wednesday, November 21, 2012 - 453 George Wilson Road, Boone, NC 28607  ( 
map )

Piedmont & Coastal NC vs Mountaineers of NC...  again Len and Frankie Stokes will host another checker play off !  This event was coordinated by Karl Kelly and Len to take place Wednesday morning, November 21, 2012 at 9:30am on the day before Thanksgiving. Bring your board and checkers.  We will be arranging group transportation to leave out early Wednesday morning from Greensboro, so call Mike Ross 336-214-4219, JR Smith 336-209-5656, Teal Stanley 336-215-7066.  The trip is approximate 120 miles or 2.5 hours from Greensboro to Boone.


7 players made the event, Len Stokes-Boone, Karl Kelly - Forest City,  Herbert Richardson - West Jefferson, James Martin - Monroe, Teal & Trey Stanley - Greensboro, JR Smith - Greensboro.  Len and Frankie were wonderful host and Frankie prepared us a delicious home cooked dinner. Len turned 83 on August 14 and was the 7th of a family of 12 children, (Hensel, Edward, Ralph, Bill, Roger, Peggy, Len, Landon, Ruth, Jim) Len, Jim, and their two sister are what's left of the Stokes family.  Landon of Lexington recently passed away November 11, 2012.  All the Stoke brothers were good checker players with Len and Jim being Master level. Everyone enjoyed the fellowship and checker playing, which we spent the day played a multiple round robin.

2012 Tournament Dates